How to Dispose of a Computer

How to Dispose of a Computer

The time comes that a computer is not worth repairing anymore, or it is too costly and buying a new one makes more sense. Before we get started on ways to dispose of your old system, it is worth mentioning that fewer devices can be dismantled in a manner where old parts can be repurposed. Unfortunately, a rapidly growing number … Read More

SSD vs HDD: What’s the Difference and Which is Best for You?

ssd vs hdd

Perhaps your computer is slow or you’re noticing performance issues. One of the first things that computer technicians look at is the hard drive. Older computers and computers that have been worked too hard regularly need their hard drive replaced. Other times, you could be experiencing hard drive failure.  If you’re at this crossroads, you might have come across two … Read More

How Does Data Recovery Work? A Basic Guide to File Recovery

External hard drive beside laptop

As a society, we rely on our electronic devices to carry out many personal and professional functions. And this means that large quantities of important data are stored on these devices. If that data goes missing or is inaccessible, it can cause significant problems. Fortunately, the process of data recovery can set things right again. But how does data recovery … Read More