How to Tell if Your Power Supply is Failing

EezIT's article featured image of a computer technician testing a faulty power supply

The most obvious sign of a failing power supply (PSU) is that your computer will not turn on anymore. That is, no led’s, no fans, nothing at all. There are other symptoms that a computer exhibits that could indicate a failing power supply, ranging from software errors like blue screens of death, to weird hardware behaviours like random freezes and … Read More

Can Laptop RAM Be Upgraded

laptop on desk after getting the ram memory upgraded

Most laptops’ RAM can be upgraded unless the RAM is soldered to the main board. If you own a newer MacBook or a quite thin laptop, then chances are the RAM is actually soldered and cannot be upgraded. We will provide a quick guide to aid you in determining if you can benefit from an upgrade and if that is … Read More

How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Laptop Battery

laptop having battery replaced

During the lifespan of a laptop, the battery usually needs replacing once or twice. If your laptop has a detachable battery, like the HP 15 ac series for example, then you could simply order one online and replace it yourself. But the majority of laptops nowadays need to be disassembled by professionals in order to get to the battery and … Read More