Strategic IT Planning: Leveraging IT Support for Long-Term Success in Calgary

IT support server room - branded EezIT image

In today’s fast-paced business environment, Calgary enterprises face unique IT challenges that can hinder growth and efficiency. From navigating a competitive market to managing remote workforces and complying with industry regulations, the need for a robust IT infrastructure has never been more critical. This is where strategic IT planning comes into play. By aligning business goals with technology solutions, companies … Read More

Do Small Businesses Really Need IT Support?

IT professional showcasing IT Support options to businesses

Just as neglecting regular vehicle maintenance can leave you stranded on the side of the road, overlooking the importance of proper IT support can lead your business down a perilous path. Without a robust support system in place, the inevitable breakdowns and crises can leave you stranded without a lifeline.  Imagine the frustration of facing a server crash or a … Read More

The Financial Benefits of IT Support for Calgary Small Businesses

Calgary business team reviewing financial benefits of outsourcing IT support services

The era when computers merely handled email and printing has long passed, with technology now serving as the cornerstone of business operations. As business requirements grow increasingly complex by the day, the demand for robust digital security reaches unprecedented levels. Consequently, the need for continuous IT support arises.  Common IT Challenges Faced by Small Businesses in Calgary As a business … Read More

EezIT Named Best Computer Repair Shop in Calgary by Calgary’s Best Rated

EezIT named best computer repair shop in Calgary

We are thrilled to announce that EezIT has been awarded “One of the Best Computer Repair Shops in Calgary” by Calgary’s Best Rated! This recognition is a testament to EezIT’s unwavering commitment to excellence, stellar customer service, and unparalleled expertise in the field of computer repair. Read the feature on us at In an increasingly digital world where technology … Read More

Maximizing Your Productivity: A Guide to Making Your Laptop Battery Last Longer

EezIT branded featured image for making your laptop battery last longer guide

In today’s fast-paced world, where productivity often hinges on our laptops, ensuring that our devices stay powered up is crucial. A laptop’s battery lifespan significantly impacts our user experience and overall productivity. However, maintaining optimal battery health can be a challenge for many users. From overcharging to improper storage, various factors can affect battery longevity. This guide aims to provide … Read More

Should You Upgrade or Replace Your Laptop: A Comprehensive Guide

should you upgrade or replace your laptop EezIT branded featured image

When clients reach out to us, they often pose a seemingly straightforward question: “Should I repair my laptop or buy a new one?” While our skilled technicians can swiftly assess a device in hand, providing a concise answer over the phone proves more challenging. Factors such as the laptop’s age, initial cost, and current hardware performance play pivotal roles in … Read More

EezIT Named a Top Computer Repair Shop in Calgary by Clever Canadian

EezIT named top computer repair shop in Calgary branded featured image

We are excited to announce a significant milestone that fills us with pride and gratitude – EezIT has been acknowledged as one of the top computer repair shops in Calgary by Clever Canadian! Read the feature on us at This recognition reflects our unwavering dedication to delivering outstanding computer repair services. At EezIT, our ongoing commitment has been to … Read More

User Error: The Unseen Adversary of Smooth IT Operations

User error in IT operations EezIT branded image

In the fast-paced realm of Information Technology (IT), where every second counts, the impact of user errors often remains an unseen adversary, quietly disrupting smooth operations.  Picture this: a crucial project deadline looming, and a well-intentioned employee inadvertently deletes a vital file. In this seemingly innocuous scenario lies the crux of a common yet underestimated challenge—user errors in IT operations.  … Read More

Debunking the Myth: Will Installing Antivirus Slow Down Your PC?

Will installing antivirus slow down my computer EezIT branded image

When a computer’s demand for resources exceeds its available capacity, it slows down. This applies to all programs, making the commonly asked question somewhat flawed. A more relevant inquiry might be, “Is my chosen antivirus consuming an excessive amount of resources, and are there alternatives that operate with less strain on my system?” While there’s a prevalent belief that antivirus … Read More

Demystifying Cybersecurity Threats: Protecting Your Business

EezIT branded image showing cybersecurity specialist on a laptop

It has been a while since Cloud technology started being adopted by more and more businesses, expanding networks beyond the traditional LAN and WAN concepts to either hybrid or fully cloud-driven ones. Resources are scattered between local and cloud network architectures, which increases the complexity of security orchestration due to the architectural diversity of these mixed platforms. The Covid pandemic … Read More