My Windows PC Is Running Slow, What Steps Can I Take to Fix it?

My Windows PC Is Running Slow, What Steps Can I Take to Fix it?

Is It Normal for a Windows PC to Slow Down Over Time? A Windows PC will always slow down over time. And when this happens, you may wonder why your computer was running fine a month ago, but not so well today and what could you possibly do yourself, in order to bring it back to life.  The answer is … Read More

Is It Worth Replacing A Broken Laptop Screen?

broken computer screen

Our laptops keep us connected to the digital world and sometimes help to fuel our work. So when the laptop screen cracks or breaks, you may wonder: “is it worth it to replace a broken laptop screen?”  Some factors play into answering this question, but, for the most part, it is far more cost-effective and environmentally friendly to repair a … Read More

Is It Cheaper to Repair or Replace a Computer?

Is It Cheaper to Repair or Replace a Computer?

Whether you use a computer for work or entertainment, it is a valuable part of your life. You will want to get every second of value out of your initial investment. And when your technology fails, you may wonder, is it cheaper to repair or replace a computer?  The answer depends on a few different factors. To help you make … Read More

SSD vs HDD: What’s the Difference and Which is Best for You?

ssd vs hdd

Perhaps your computer is slow or you’re noticing performance issues. One of the first things that computer technicians look at is the hard drive. Older computers and computers that have been worked too hard regularly need their hard drive replaced. Other times, you could be experiencing hard drive failure.  If you’re at this crossroads, you might have come across two … Read More